The Radioactive Isotopes of Nickel and Their Assignments

As a result of discrepancies in the reported methods of production and in the assignments of the radioactive isotopes of nickel the following reactions were investigated: Fe(α,n), Co(d,2n), Ni(d,p), Ni(n,γ), and Ni(n,2n). The relative yields of the known 2.6-hour and 36-hour periods from fast and slow neutrons on nickel were compared with other neutron reactions. The results obtained are in agreement with the assignment of the 2.6-hour period to Ni63 and the 36-hour period to Ni57. The possible existence of a short period in nickel, reported as a result of an Fe(α,n) reaction, is not established since it would be masked by the 2.1-minute oxygen period formed from the carbon present in iron. In the attempted separation of the O15 activity it was observed that under the prevailing experimental conditions the rate of removal of oxygen from bombarded iron approached the rate of decay of O15.