Behavioral assessment in neuropsychological rehabilitation: A method for measuring vocational-related skills

A structured behavioral assessment technique was developed for the measurement of vocationally related skills. The Behavioral Assessment of Vocational Skills (BAVS) was administered to 20 brain-injured subjects in an outpatient rehabilitation program. Each subject also completed a series of neuropsychological tests. The BAVS had acceptable interrater reliability and internal consistency. Correlational analysis suggested that the BAVS added unique information to the neuropsychological test battery. A predictive validity study indicated that the BAVS was highly correlated with independent job performance ratings based on a 3-month trial work placement. While additional research will need to be conducted, the BAVS is offered as a potentially useful adjunct to treatment in brain injury rehabilitative settings. Further work toward the integration of traditional neuropsychological assessment with behavioral assessment methodology in rehabilitative settings is encouraged.