The beta-glucuronidase synthesis of 32 serologic types of group A streptococci and by groups B, C, D, G and L streptococci was studied. Certain types of group A microorganisms (11, 13, 25 and 28) consistently produce beta-glucuronidase, while nearly half of the strains of B, C, G and L streptococci and none of the D strains synthesizes this enzyme. All other identified group A strains fail to synthesize beta-glucuronidase even when menthol beta-glucuronide was incorporated into the media and after serial passage through mice. The streptococcal beta-glucuronidase is stable on storage at 4[degree]C, has an opt. pH of 6.5, is inhibited by ammonium chloride but not by NaCl., heparin or ascorbic acid. The streptococcal beta-glucuronidase is a cellular enzyme and is not "secreted" into the growth media. Sonic disruption of bacterial suspensions increases enzyme activity 5- to 10-fold. Opt. enzyme synthesis occurs in a beef brain-heart medium with added phosphate buffer and 0.4% glucose. Strains of streptococci isolated from 20 patients who subsequently developed acute rheumatic fever were found to lack beta-glucuronidase.

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