Testis Stimulation in Hypophysectomized Male Killiflsh, Fundulus heteroclitus, Treated with Mammalian Growth Hormone and/or Luteinizing Hormone

The effects of temperature, dosage, and the addition of bovine growth hormone (STH) were investigated in respect to the response of the regressed tests of hypophysectomized F. heteroelitus to ovine or bovine luteinizing hormone (LH). LH alone stimulated the maturation of spermatogonia, even at a low dose (0.02 µg/g), without significantly affecting spermatogonial multiplication. STH alone stimulated spermatogonial proliferation, but had little effect on postspermatogonial maturation. The combination of LH and STH stimulated spermatogonial multiplication and enhanced the maturation process to a significantly greater extent that with LH alone. LH increased the activity of 3β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase (3B-HSD) in the interstitial (Leydig) cells, thus promoting the synthesis of steroid hormones. The response was enhanced by the simultaneous administration of STH, but this effect could have been additive rather than synergic since STH alone had measurable 3β-HSD-stimulating activity, attributed to trace contamination with LH. Warm temperature accelerated spermatoteleosis and appeared to be necessary for spermiation. Low temperature may favor the response of the testes to exogenous gonadotropin, but the problem of LH-induced antibody formation and/or release at warm temperature has not been resolved.

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