Transvenous Parasympathetic Nerve Stimulation in the Inferior Vena Cava and Atrioventricular Conduction

Parasympathetic Stimulation in the Inferior Vena Cava. Introduction: In previous reports, we demonstrated a technique for parasympathetic nerve stimulation (PNS) within the superior vena cava, pulmonary artery, and coronary sinus to control rapid ventricular rates during atrial fibrillation (AF). In this report, we describe another vascular site, the inferior vena cava (IVC), at which negative dromotropic effects during AF could consistently he obtained. Moreover, stimulation at this site also induced dual AV nodal electrophysiology. Methods and Results: PNS was performed in ten dogs using rectangular stimuli (0.1 msec/20 Hz) delivered through a catheter with an expandable electrode basket at its tip. Within 3 minutes and without using fluoroscopy, the catheter was positioned at an effective PNS site in the IVC at the junction of the right atrium. AF was induced and maintained by rapid atrial pacing. During stepwise increase of the PNS voltage from 2 to 34 V, a graded response of ventricular rate slowing during AF was observed (266 ± 79 msec without PNS vs 1,539 ± 2,460 msec with PNS at 34 V; P = 0.005 by analysis of variance), which was abolished by atropine and blunted by hexamethonium. In three animals, PNS was performed during sinus rhythm. Dual AV nodal electrophysiology was present in 1 of 3 dogs in control, whereas with PNS, dual AV nodal electrophysiology was observed in all three dogs. PNS did not significantly change sinus rate or arterial blood pressure during ventricular pacing. Conclusion: Stable and consistent transvenous electrical stimulation of parasympathetic nerves innervating the AV node can be achieved in the IVC, a transvenous site that is rapidly and readily accessible. The proposed catheter approach for PNS can be used to control ventricular rate during AF in this animal model.