Contrast echocardiographic features of pulmonary hypertension and regurgitation.

Linear contrast echo configuration on the pulmonary valve M-mode echogram was assessed in 28 patients with pulmonary hypertension, in 10 with pulmonary regurgitation, and in 10 normal subjects. Contrast echo parallel lines filling the total systolic phase of the pulmonary valve were recorded in normal subjects. Contrast echo lines stopping in early systole around the pulmonary valve mid-systolic notch were seen in all the patients with pulmonary hypertension in relation to changes with the pulmonary flow. Contrast echo lines reversing the early diastole and crossing the pulmonary valve echogram during diastole were detected in all the patients with pulmonary regurgitation, consistent with the reversed flow across the valve. The use of contrast echocardiography to diagnose both pulmonary hypertension and regurgitation may provide further useful information, particularly when the orientation and time of appearance of the contrast echo lines are related to the systolic and/or diastolic phases of the pulmonary valve M-mode echogram.