Experiments have been carried out to investigate the possible role of the sensitized lymphocyte in mediating the fevers of delayed hypersensitivity. Rabbits were made delayed hypersensitive to one of several heterologous proteins (bovine gamma globulin, bovine serum albumin, or human serum albumin) by footpad injection of antigen or antigen conjugated with dinitrophenol and incorporated in complete Freund's adjuvant. At intervals after sensitization, various tissues were removed, and single cell suspensions were incubated overnight with either carrier protein or conjugate in vitro. Release of an endogenous pyrogen (EP) was assayed by intravenous injection of the supernatant fluid into unsensitized rabbits. Of the tissues tested only those containing both lymphocytes and pyrogen-producing cells, blood, spleen, and draining lymph nodes, released detectable amounts of EP when incubated with antigen in vitro. Incubation of normal blood cells with specifically sensitized lymphocytes and antigen also resulted in significant release of pyrogen. Similarly, blood leukocytes released EP in vitro after mixture with supernates derived from incubation of sensitized lymphocytes and antigen. Cells and supernatant fluids from draining lymph nodes were usually effective in activating normal blood leukocytes earlier after sensitization than were those from mesenteric lymph nodes, suggesting that such cells, or antigen, had migrated from the original site of sensitization. The activator was soluble, nonpyrogenic in the dosages tested, and required incubation of viable cells with specific antigen for its production. These properties suggest that it may belong to the class of "lymphokines," biologically active agents released from lymphocytes that have been activated by immunologic or certain nonimmunologic stimuli.

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