Retrospective review of care and outcomes in young adults with type 1 diabetes

The national service framework for diabetes includes standards to improve care and outcomes for young people.1 Good glycaemic control delays the onset and progression of microvascular complications, but control can be difficult to achieve, particularly in young people.2 We did this study in four of the important centres for the care of people with diabetes—Derbyshire Royal Infirmary; University Hospital, Nottingham; Northern General Hospital, Sheffield; and Leicester Royal Infirmary. Each centre has a dedicated clinic for young people. We searched for people aged 16 to 25 who were being followed up for type 1 diabetes. We collected data retrospectively from case notes and computer records on glycaemic control, completeness of screening for and prevalence of complications of diabetes, hypertension, and clinic attendance. Of the 397 patients included, mean HbA1c concentration was 9.5% (SD 2.0%). (The …