Dysphagia in cerebral palsy: A comparative study of the exeter dysphagia assesment technique and a multidisciplinary assessment

Eighteen children with cerebral palsy in a special school, most of whom had feeding difficulties, were studied to compare the diagnostic value of the Exeter Dysphagia Assessment Technique (EDAT) with an exhaustive clinical assessment undertaken by a multidisciplinary team experienced in the diagnosis and treatment of dysphagia of neurological origin. Four feeding skills were assessed by each method independently, viz. anticipation, intraoral sensory perception, oral-motor efficiency, and pharyngeal triggering. Comparison of the two sets of results showed agreement in at least 78% of the assessed skills. The possible reasons for the few discrepancies are discussed. The noninvasive EDAT equipment was easy to use with the children, who had a range of type and severity of cerebral palsy. The test was undertaken in their familiar surroundings and took 15 to 20 min per child. Interpretation of the results showed that EDAT provided a rapid, reliable diagnostic aid which assisted in the assessment of the degree of feeding impairment within each of the four feeding skills tested.