Chemotherapy of Metastatic Breast Cancer: What to Expect in 2001 and Beyond

Chemotherapy plays an important role in the management of metastatic breast cancer. The anthracyclines (doxorubicin, epirubicin) and the taxanes (paclitaxel, docetaxel) are considered the most active agents for patients with advanced breast cancer. Traditionally, the anthracyclines have been used in combination with cyclophosphamide and 5-fluorouracil (FAC, FEC). The taxanes have single-agent activity similar to older combination chemotherapy treatments. There is great interest in developing anthracycline/taxane combinations. Capecitabine is indicated for patients who progress after anthracycline and taxane therapy. Vinorelbine and gemcitabine have activity in patients with metastatic breast cancer and are commonly used as third- and fourth-line palliative therapy. The role of high-dose chemotherapy is not well-defined and remains experimental. Novel cytotoxic therapy strategies include the development of anthracycline, taxane, and oral fluoropyrimidine analogues; antifolates; topoisomerase I inhibitors, and multidrug resistance inhibitors. A better understanding of the biology of breast cancer is providing novel treatment approaches. Oncogenes and tumor-supressor genes are emerging as important targets for therapy. Trastuzumab, a monoclonal antibody directed against the Her-2/neu protein, has been shown to prolong survival in patients with metastatic breast cancer. Other novel biologic therapies interfere with signal transduction pathways and angiogenesis. The challenge for the next decade will be to integrate these promising agents in the management of metastatic and primary breast cancer.
Funding Information
  • National Cancer Institute (K23-CA82119)