Specific heat of the ternary compoundsUPd2Si2andUNi2Si2

The specific heat of the single crystals of UPd2Si2 and UNi2Si2 has been studied using the step heating method for the temperature range between 2 and 250 K. Successive phase transitions at high temperatures were observed for both samples, which are consistent with previously reported magnetization and neutron scattering results. No evidence of any phase transition was observed at temperatures below 70 K, which has been previously reported. The Debye temperature and the electronic specific heat coefficient γ of UPd2Si2 are found to be 117 K and 19 mJ/molK2, respectively. In low temperatures between 2 and 4 K, an upturn in specific heat with T2 dependence was observed. Several possibilities for this upturn in the specific heat are discussed.