Multilocus sequence analysis of Porphyromonas gingivalis indicates frequent recombination

In this study, the genetic relationship of 19Porphyromonas gingivalisisolates from patients with periodontitis was investigated by multilocus sequence analysis. Internal 400–600 bp DNA fragments of the 10 chromosomal genesef-tu,ftsQ,hagB, gpdxJ,pepO,mcmA,dnaK,recA,pgaandnahwere amplified by PCR and sequenced. No two isolates were identical at all 10 loci. Phylogenetic analyses indicated a panmictic population structure ofP. gingivalis. Split decomposition analysis, calculation of homoplasy ratios and analyses of clustered polymorphisms all indicate that recombination plays a major role in creating the genetic heterogeneity ofP. gingivalis. A standardized index of association of 0·0898 indicates that theP. gingivalisgenes analysed are close to linkage equilibrium.