Genetic Mapping of Species Boundaries in Louisiana Irises UsingIRRERetrotransposon Display Markers

Genetic mapping studies provide insight into the pattern and extent of genetic incompatibilities affecting hybridization between closely related species. Genetic maps of two species of Louisiana Irises, Iris fulva and I. brevicaulis, were constructed from transposon-based molecular markers segregating in reciprocal backcross (BC1) interspecific hybrids and used to investigate genomic patterns of species barriers inhibiting introgression. Linkage mapping analyses indicated very little genetic incompatibility between I. fulva and I. brevicaulis in the form of map regions exhibiting transmission ratio distortion, and this was confirmed using a Bayesian multipoint mapping analysis. These results demonstrate the utility of transposon-based marker systems for genetic mapping studies of wild plant species and indicate that the genomes of I. fulva and I. brevicaulis are highly permeable to gene flow and introgression from one another via backcrossing.