Stroke and Vascular Cognitive Impairment

Advances in stroke are occurring at an unprecedented pace, but often in disciplinary isolation and without optimal mechanisms for systematically translating, integrating and applying the findings. Knowledge accrues in pieces, but is understood in patterns. To optimize knowledge acquisition and application, infrastructures and systems need to be set up along with appealing incentives. The approach needs to be transdisciplinary, going beyond the bounds of any given discipline, reciprocally translational, and transactional, meaning that the interchanges have to yield previously agreed benefits to the parties (The Triple T Approach). A new breed of leaders needs to be developed and nurtured to catalyze the process. Opportunities abound. Stroke and most brain diseases share the same pathophysiological fundamental mechanisms. An integrated, systematic approach to these processes could yield not only greater understanding but new, common therapeutic targets for several diseases. Biphasic clinical trials could co...