Marital Status, Gender, and Perception of Weil-Being

Authors of several research studies in the United States have found a positive relationship between marital status and physical and psychological well-being, and gender differences in well-being among married and unmarried people are well documented. Several explanations have been suggested for the findings of gender differences in perception of well-being among married and unmarried individuals. The combined 10-year (1982-1991) “General Social Surveys” data of the National Opinion Research Center (1991) were used in this reexamination of the relationships of marital status and gender to perception of well-being. The results of analysis of variance are the basis for discussion of observed differences in perception of well-being as to gender, marital status, race, and financial status. The results indicate that marriage enhances perceptions of well-being for both men and women. Married women expressed more satisfaction than men did.