Full numerical simulation of coflowing, axisymmetric jet diffusion flames

The near field of a non‐premixed flame in a low speed, coflowing axisymmetric jet is investigated numerically using full simulation. The time‐dependent governing equations are solved by a second‐order, explicit finite difference scheme and a single‐step, finite rate model is used to represent the chemistry. Steady laminar flame results show the correct dependence of flame height on Peclet number and reaction zone thickness on Damköhler number. Forced simulations reveal a large difference in the instantaneous structure of scalar dissipation fields between nonbuoyant and buoyant cases. In the former, the scalar dissipation marks intense reaction zones, supporting the flamelet concept; however, results suggest that flamelet modeling assumptions need to be reexamined. In the latter, this correspondence breaks down, suggesting that modifications to the flamelet modeling approach are needed in buoyant turbulent diffusion flames.