The nuclear electric quadrupole interaction of Nb93 in ferroelectric KNbO3 has been measured as a function of temperature in the tetragonal, orthorhombic and rhombohedral phases. The values of (1ν)(dνdT) for these three phases are approximately -103, -103, and -104 per degree centigrade, respectively. In the tetragonal phase at 220°C, e2qQh has been measured as 24 Mc/sec and the asymmetry parameter η is zero. An ionic calculation of field gradients in the tetragonal phase has been made including point charge and induced dipole contributions. The results of this calculation give the Sternheimer antishielding factor (1γ) as 15 in good agreement with its estimated value of +16. The temperature dependence of the electric field gradient at the Nb93 site as calculated from this ionic model is in agreement with the measured temperature dependence in the tetragonal phase.