d-Transposition of the Great Vessels in the Neonate

We reviewed the records of 66 neonatal patients with d-transposition of the great vessels (d-TGV) admitted to our institution. The initial history, physical examination by the cardiologist, chest roentgenogram, ECG, hemoglobin level, and hematocrit value were analyzed. Although all patients were cyanotic and 65% were tachypneic, other signs of a major congenital cardiac anomaly were usually absent. The number of clinical signs (poor general status, cyanosis, respiratory distress, Sincreased and single, murmur, classical chest roentgenogram, abnormal ECG) present in each patient was three or less in 41%; only 13.5% had more than five signs. (Arch Intern Med137:1421-1425, 1977)