A Non-Vacuum Freezing-Dehydrating Technic for Histology, Autoradiography and Microbial Cytology

A method for the freezing-dehydration of tissue and microbial cells is described which circumvents the need for high vacuum for the purpose of removing water from the cells by direct vaporization of ice. The present method utilizes the dissolution of ice from frozen tissue and cells by immersion in chemical dehydrating agents which remain liquid at low temperatures. Choice of the particular agent depends upon the desired result. Glycols are recommended if fixation is to be avoided, or water-soluble isotopes retained in the cells; alcohols or acetone are used if fixation is not undesirable. Specific applications of the method are given for use with tissues and with microbial cells. It has been demonstrated that radioactive phosphorus (P32) is not leached out of the tissues during the procedure.