Optical-Model Analysis of theS32(α, α)S32Elastic Scattering from 10.0 to 17.5 MeV

Angular distributions for the elastic scattering of α particles by S32 measured at 100-keV intervals in the bombarding energy range from 10.0 to 17.5 MeV have been analyzed using a two-parameter optical-model description. Real and imaginary potential-well-depth parameters obtained from this analysis oscillate about their respective mean values as the energy is varied. These mean values are interpreted as the potential parameters uncorrected for compound-system resonance effects. Three phase-equivalent real well depths are determined in the analysis: 103, 132, and 163 MeV. The observed rapid variation of the parameters with energy is consistent with a model proposed by Robson, in which compound-system resonances produce an oscillation of optical-model well-depth parameters about mean values which determine the complex potential scattering.