An Auditory Brainstem Implant System

Neurofibromastosis type II (NF2) is a condition that may result in bilateral acoustic neuromas. The tumors and their removal may cause profound bilateral deafness. Because the auditory nerve is compromised, people with NF2 are unable to receive a cochlear implant to restore a sensation of hearing. Electrical stimulation of the auditory pathway can provide hearing in such people. This is possible by means of an auditory brainstem implant (ABI). This article focuses on the MED-EL highrate multichannel ABI system. The system consists of the implanted and external components. Appropriate placement of the ABI is dependent on electrical auditory brainstem response testing performed intra-operatively. Data on a group of European patients implanted with the MED-EL ABI are presented. Results are promising and include some open-set speech ability.