Chromosome walking with YAC clones in Arabidopsis: isolation of 1700 kb of contiguous DNA on chromosome 5, including a 300 kb region containing the flowering-time gene CO

The co mutation of Arabidopsis thaliana causes a late-flowering phenotype that is insensitive to day-ength. The mutation was mapped previously to the upper arm of chromosome 5, approximately 1.6 cM from the chalcone synthase gene (CHS). We were provided with five yeast artificial chromosome (YAC) libraries and used these to perform a chromosome walk from CHS to the CO gene. In this paper we report the isolation of 1700 kb of contiguous Arabidopsis DNA, which represents approximately 1%–2% of the genome, inserted in YACs. This required the detailed analysis of 67 YACs, from which 87 end probes were isolated and examined in hybridisation experiments. This analysis showed that approximately 40% of the YACs presented problems in chromosome walking experiments because they contained repetitive sequence at one of their termini, were chimaeric or because part of the plant DNA was deleted. DNA fragments isolated from YACs were used as restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) markers to localize CO to a 300 kb region within the cloned DNA. We compare the physical distance between CHS and CO with the genetic distance and find that in this region 1 cM is equivalent to approximately 200 kb.