Anomalous hydrostatic pressure dependence of the Curie temperature of the Kondo-lattice compound YbNiSn to 38 GPa

The dependence of the Curie temperature To of ferromagnetic YbNiSn on hydrostatic pressure to 38 GPa has been determined in an ac susceptibility measurement in a diamond-anvil cell loaded with dense helium as a pressure medium. The Curie temperature To(0)≃5.5 K initially increases with applied pressure at the rate +1.7 K/GPa, passing through a maximum value Tomax≃7.7 K at ∼2 GPa. No transition was detected above 2 K for 9.4 GPaPTo(P) about Pm=P(Tomax), which is opposite to that found in Ce compounds, can be readily understood in Doniach’s model if the Kondo temperature of YbNiSn decreases under pressure.