A Golgi analysis of the primate globus pallidus. III. Spatial organization of the striato‐pallidal complex

An atlas of transverse sections of the globus pallidus and striatum was established in macaque with reference to ventricular coordinates. The three‐dimensional geometry of the striato‐pallidal complex was investigated by means of sagittal and horizontal reconstructions. Both a personal case studied with autoradiography and data from literature were used to analyze the distribution of cortical axons into the striatum. One may distinguish two striatal territories: one, somatotopically arranged, sensorimotor territory extending over the major part of the putamen; and the other, an associative territory, comprising the caudate nucleus and antero‐medial and postero‐inferior parts of the putamen. The striato‐pallido‐nigral bundle was studied using Golgi, Perls, and Fink‐Heimer techniques. The bundle is described in four parts: prepallidal (subdivided into caudato‐pallidal and putamino‐pallidal subparts), transpallidal, pallido‐nigral, and nigral. The tracing of the limit between the caudate (associative) and putaminal (essentially sensorimotor) territories shows that the two components are of roughly the same size in the pallidum. The data were compared with geometry and orientation of the dendritic arborizatons of large pallidal neurons analyzed in Yelnik et al. (1984). Each pallidal dendritic disc is able to receive axons from a wide region of the striatum. This leads to a convergence on pallidal neurons of striatal axons from different striatal somatotopic strips and from the sensorimotor and associative territories. This is an indication that the globus pallidus may have an integrative role.