Quantitative Analysis of the Temporal Pattern of Somite Formation in the Mouse and Rat

The relation between the logarithm of the volume of the embryo and the number of somites was studied in the mouse and rat in the period of about 0–43 somites, a period characterized by a very rapid volume increase. A linear relation was found, and the variability of the individual observations around the straight line was rather small. Using a previously defined age estimate, i.e. the ‘developmental age’ based on the embryonic volume, we also found a linear relation between this age estimate and the number of somites. With the help of this straight line, the developmental age can be estimated from the number of somites with an accuracy of less than 0.1 day. Therefore, the developmental age can be considered a better age estimate than those based on the usual methods. The time needed to form a new somite was found to be constant in both species during the period studied. The length of the period differed, and was 1.68 h in the mouse and 2.24 h in the rat. However, the volume of the embryo at the time when a specific somite was formed (for instance the 25th) appeared to be the same in both species. Comparison of the volume of embryos, embedded in paraffin and Epon and sectioned, enabled us to estimate the shrinkage in Epon embryos. The volume after processing was approximately 62% of the original volume.