We show that there exist a coordinate system and null tetrad for the space‐times admitting a two‐parameter abelian orthogonally transitive isometry group and a pair of shearfree geodesic null congruences in which the neutrino equation is solvable by separation of variables if and only if the Weyl tensor is Petrov type D. The massive Dirac equation is separable if in addition the conformal factor satisfies a certain functional equation. As a corollary, we deduce that the neutrino equation is separable in a canonical system of coordinates and tetrad for the solution of Einstein’s type D vacuum or electrovac field equations with cosmological constant admitting a nonsingular aligned Maxwell field and that the Dirac equation is separable only in the subclass of Carter’s [Ã] solutions and the Debever–McLenaghan null orbit solution A0. We also compute the symmetry operators which arise from the above separability properties.