Neutron Scattering from Magnetic Excitations in Bi_2 Sr_2 Ca_2 O_8+delta

  • 19 February 1999
Many physical properties of the copper oxide high temperature superconductors appear to defy the conventional (one-electron) theory of metals, and the development of new theories incorporating strong electron correlations is currently at the forefront of condensed matter physics. Inelastic neutron scattering provides incisive information about collective magnetic excitations that is required to guide this effort. Such measurements have thus far proven possible for only two of the many families of high temperature superconductors, La_{2-x} Sr_x CuO_4 and YBa_2 Cu_3 O_{6+x},because suitably large single crystals of other copper oxide compounds could not be grown. While the magnetic spectra of both materials bear certain similarities, there are also pronounced differences that have hampered a unified description of the spin dynamics in the copper oxides. In particular, a sharp resonant spin excitation dominates the spectrum in the superconducting state of YBa_2 Cu_3 O_{6+x}, but is not found in La_{2-x} Sr_x CuO_4. Here we report the discovery of a magnetic resonance peak in the superconducting state of a different copper oxide system, Bi_2 Sr_2 Ca Cu_2 O_{8+\delta}, made possible by the synthesis of a sizable single crystal and modern neutron optics. This provides evidence of the generality of this unusual phenomenon among the copper oxides and greatly extends the empirical basis for its theoretical description.

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