Conservation laws and correlation functions in the Luttinger liquid

The low-energy properties of interacting Fermi systems are highly constrained by conservation laws. They generally simplify the structure of the underlying renormalization group by reducing the number of independent renormalization constants. In one dimension, all properties of normal metallic fixed points are uniquely determined by separate charge and spin conservation for states near the left and right Fermi points, respectively. We construct the general Luttinger-liquid theory of one-dimensional (1D) metals directly from these conservation laws. Luttinger-liquid parameters emerge naturally from the velocities associated with the conserved currents at the Luttinger-liquid fixed point. Instead of bosonization, one may thus use techniques familiar from Fermi-liquid theory, i.e., Feynman diagrams, equations of motion, and Ward identities. The choice of a technique comprising both Fermi- and Luttinger-liquid theory makes the similarities and differences of both theories particularly transparent, and sets the stage for constructing non-Fermi-liquid metallic fixed points in d>1. Several generic properties and asymptotic conservation laws of 2D non-Fermi-liquid metals are discussed.