Synchrotron radiation is now playing an increasingly important role in recent developments of new light sources. Synchrotron light emitted from a relativistic electron beam has a radiation pattern which makes it a unique source. The advantages with this type of radiation can be summarized as (a) continuous spectrum extending from the ir to the x-ray region, (b) strongly polarized, (c) highly collimated, (d) pulsed structure allowing time-resolution spectroscopy, and (e) high intensity making feasible the use of monochromators with narrow band pass. The Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Project has been in operation since May 1974 as a U.S. National Facility for uv and x-ray research in many disciplines using the radiation from the storage ring SPEAR at the Stanford Linear Accelerator Center. The radiation spectrum is characterized by the critical energy which varies as E3 (E=electron-beam energy) and is 11 keV for E=4 GeV. Useful flux is available out for approximately five times the critical energy. Five monochromators now share the beam run and cover the entire wavelength region from the visible to the hard x-ray region. Several experimental groups are involved in research programs including (a) uv and x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, (b) optical reflectance and transmission studies, (c) soft x-ray absorption and extended x-ray absorption fine structure (EXAFS) studies, (d) low-angle scattering studies of certain biological materials, and (e) x-ray diffraction studies of protein crystals and other materials.