Magnetic Form Factor of Terbium

The magnetic form factor of Tb at 4.2°K has been measured to (sinθ)λ=1.1 Å1 by the use of both polarized and unpolarized neutrons. The crystal was magnetized along the b and a directions by the use of a split-coil superconducting magnet providing a field of 40 kOe. At lower scattering angles where the magnetic amplitude p is greater than the nuclear amplitude b, the main source of experimental error is uncertainty in the extinction correction, which was estimated by changing wavelength as well as sample thickness. At higher scattering angles where p<b, the polarized-beam experiments yielded accurate form-factor values. Except for a scale factor, the measurements are in good agreement with theoretical values, suggesting a contribution from the conduction electrons which has been borne out by Fourier synthesis of the magnetization density. A theoretical calculation has been made of the aspherical contribution to the form factor.