Spin-polarized angle-resolved photoemission study of the electronic structure of Fe(100) as a function of temperature

By spin- and angle-resolved photoemission with synchrotron radiation the electronic structure of Fe(100) has been tested between room temperature and the Curie temperature TC for photon energies in the range 20–70 eV. The spin-resolved energy-distribution curves (SREDC’s) reflect the dispersions of the Δ5↑,↓-symmetry initial-state bands. This manifests in an abrupt change in spin character of the peak near EF from predominantly minority spin to majority spin when tuning the photon energy across 33 eV. The non-spin-resolved EDC’s thereby remain nearly unchanged. Upon heating to 0.85T/TC, depending on photon energy, qualitative different changes in the SREDC’s are observed: At hν=60 eV, Γ25’↑ is found to be stationary in energy upon heating, and the spin-summed intensity decreases by less than 5%. At Γ25’↓, a strong loss of intensity occurs. In contrast, at hν=31 and 21 eV, an increase in minority-spin (and total) photocurrent upon heating is observed. This is interpreted as resulting from a decrease of the exchange splitting with temperature near H.