A Direct Approach to Cochlear Anatomy and Pathology in Man

OUR PRESENT understanding of the complex and beautiful structure of the human inner ear is based upon the labors of more than one generation of outstanding 19th-century microscopists, many of them having names that are now firmly attached to one or another type of cochlear cell. Although the great Stockholm histologist Gustaf Retzius1,2 is no longer closely identified with any specific cochlear structure, it is he who has given us the most detailed graphic representation of the cytoarchitecture of Corti's organ in man. Of the 39 remarkable plates that illustrate the second volume of his incomparable work, Das Gehörorgan der Wirbelthiere (1884), the last seven are devoted to his drawings of the human ear, representing a rich variety of dissections of the entire membranous labyrinth and its various parts, cross sections of the cochlear duct, and longitudinal or surface preparations of the organ of Corti of fetus, infant, child,

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