Tilted phases of fatty acid monolayers

X‐ray diffraction data from water‐supported monolayers of fatty acids with chain lengths from 19 to 22 is presented. The structures of the tilted mesophases L2, L2, and Ov are characterized in detail. The contributions to the unit cell distortion from the tilt and the ordering of the backbone planes of the molecules are separated. It is shown that at the swiveling transition L2L2, not only the tilt azimuth but also the packing of the backbone planes change discontinuously. We demonstrate that the tilting transition LSL2 is accompanied by the ordering of the backbone planes and may be discontinuous. Evidence is presented for a herringbone ordering transition within the L2 region. The distortions are related to symmetry of the phases and described by the order parameters responsible for tilt and herringbone ordering of the backbone planes of the molecules.