Recurrent Meningitis and Mondini Dysplasia

• Three infants with cerebrospinal fluid otorrhea and recurrent meningitis due to Mondini dysplasia have been treated at Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, Tex; 39 other patients with this association have been described. This review highlights the characteristics and embryologic basis of the malformation. The clinical evaluation of an infant with recurrent meningitis is outlined, and the importance of brain-stem response audiometry and thincut computed tomography of the temporal bones is discussed. Surgical management depends on the functional status of the dysplastic ear; usually, a stapedectomy is performed and the vestibule is obliterated. Although the surgical failure rate is 30% after one procedure, early identification of the dysplasia and prompt surgical management diminish morbidity and mortality and permit early habilitation of the child with congenital hearing impairment. (Arch Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 1990;116:608-612)