Autoimmune hepatitis and its variant syndromes

Three types of AIH have been proposed based on immunoserological findings but only two types have mutually exclusive autoantibodies and different clinical profiles.9 Type 1 AIH is the most common form of the disease worldwide and is associated with antinuclear antibodies (ANA) and/or smooth muscle antibodies (SMA). It affects all age groups and is associated with human leucocyte antigen (HLA) DR3 (DRB1*0301) and DR4 (DRB1*0401) in Caucasoid Northern European and North American patients.10 11 DRB1*0301 andDRB1*0401 influence disease expression and behaviour as well as susceptibility. Caucasoid patients with type 1 AIH and DRB1*0301 are younger, and have a higher frequency of treatment failure,12 relapse after drug withdrawal,13 and requirement for liver transplantation than patients with other alleles.14 In contrast, patients with DRB1*0401 are typically older, frequently have concurrent autoimmune diseases, and respond better to corticosteroids than counterparts withDRB1*0301.15