Determination of N-Nitroso Compounds in the Environment of a Metal Factory Using Metalworking Fluids

By use of GLC-ECD and HPLC-TEA techniques for N-nitroso compounds, N-nitroso-diethanolamine (NDELA) has been found in concentrations of 1.4–6.0 μg/m3 and 1.3–5.0μg/m3 respectively in all four air samples collected in the environment of a metalworking plant during metallurgical operations. NDELA was quantitated in air samples by GLC-ECD after converting it to its trifluoroacetyl derivative by reaction with the appropriate anhydride. NDELA was analyzed without derivatization in air samples using HPLC-TEA method. N-nitrosodimethylamine (NDMA) and N-nitrosodiethylamine (NDEA) were also identified and later determined in two out of four air samples in concentrations of 0.08μg/m3 (for NDMA in both samples) and 0.14–0.16μg/m3 (for NDEA) using GLC-TEA procedure. The described method did not cause artifactual formation of N-nitrosomethyl-N-butylamine (NMBA) when methyl-N-butylamine was used as an internal marker of nitrosation during collection of NDELA in impinger traps.