Details are presented of a new many-body theory for deep inelastic neutron scattering (DINS) experiments to measure momentum distributions in quantum fluids and solids. The high-momentum and energy-transfer scattering law in helium is shown to be a convolution of the impulse approximation with a final-state broadening function which depends on the scattering phase shifts and the radial distribution function. The predicted broadening satisfies approximate Y scaling, is neither Lorentzian nor Gaussian, and obeys the f, ω2, and ω3 sum rules. The derivation uses a combination of Liouville perturbation theory, projection superoperators, and semiclassical methods which I term ‘‘hard-core perturbation theory.’’ A review is presented of the predictions of prior theories for DINS experiments in relation to the present work. A subsequent paper will present massive numerical predictions and a discussion of DINS experiments on superfluid He4.