The laminar distribution of cholinergic axons was analyzed quantitatively in the visual cortex of adult cats by using immunocytochemistry with a monoclonal antibody against choline acetyltransferase (ChAT). ChAT (+) fibers and varicosities were counted at different locations within area 17 and the distribution patterns in various animals were compared. Choline acetyl‐transferase‐immunoreactivity was localized in fine, varicose fibers, which were present in all layers of the visual cortex. The density of labeled fibers was highest in layer I, which contained 14% of all fibers and 19.5% of all varicosities, and decreased toward deeper layers. The number of varicosities decreased more markedly toward deeper layers than the frequency of fibers. These distribution patterns were very consistent, showing only slight intra‐ and interindividual variability.