Peripheral blood values, femur cell counts, spleen weights, CFU-S and CFU-C concentrations and total content of spleens and femurs were evaluated in intact (non-marrow-ablated) and 89Sr marrow-ablated S1/S1d and +/+ mice. 89Sr-irradiated mice were studied 6 and 11 days after the administration of 89Sr. In intact S1/S1d mice the femur CFU-S concentration, total femur CFU-S, femur CFU-C concentration and total femur CFU-C were 84, 54, 105 and 68% that of +/+ mice femurs, respectively. The respective values for the spleens of S1/S1d mice were 40, 46, 61 and 69%. These were the 1st simultaneous determinations of CFU-S and CFU-C concentrations, and content of spleens and marrows, of S1/S1d and +/+ mice. In 89Sr marrow-ablated mice, 11 days after injection of the radionuclide: the total content of marrow CFU-C and CFU-S was about 1% of that found in the marrows of intact mice for both +/+ and S1/S1d groups; the spleens of +/+ mice increased in weight to 162% of the control, but the spleens of S1/S1d mice did not increase in weight; and the spleens of +/+ mice had a total content of CFU-C and CFU-S of 800% and 260% of the control, respectively, whereas the respective values for the S1/S1d mice were 120% and 76% of the control. The S1/S1d spleen failed to compensate for marrow ablation by housing additional CFU-S and had an impaired ability to compensate by housing additional CFU-C.