Land cover inventory in the Netherlands using remote sensing; application in a soil and groundwater vulnerability assessment system

Information on actual land cover is necessary for various applications, such as soil and groundwater protection studies and hydrological studies. Therefore, a decision to produce a national land cover data base of the Netherlands, using satellite images, was made. The first version of the data base is now available for the whole of the Netherlands. Prior to the supervised classification the area was stratified in more or less homogeneous areas. Because cost, time and logistics required for a random sampling of the entire country were prohibitive, a mixed quantitative/qualitative classification accuracy assessment procedure was proposed. Classification performances were quantitatively assessed by comparing the classification results with digitized ground reference maps using a Geographical Information System (GIS). This offers a flexible method for locating the incorrectly labelled pixels and determining the possible reasons thereof. Classification accuracy of the land cover types which do not change much in time was also qualitatively assessed, using aerial photographs and topographical maps. The land cover data derived from remote sensing images can be readily combined with other digitized geographical data bases (e.g. soil maps). The results of the proposed classification and validation procedure are presented for a test site situated in a stratum in the south of the Netherlands. It is shown how the land cover data are applied in a soil and groundwater vulnerability assessment system.