Limited invasiveness to assess retroperitoneal spread in stage I–II ovarian carcinoma

To evaluate the incidence of retroperitoneal metastases, survival rate and site of recurrence in early ovarian tumors undergoing limited retroperitoneal surgery.Three hundred seventy-three consecutive patients underwent assessment of the retroperitoneum consisting of intraoperative palpation with or without biopsies.Retroperitoneal metastases were detected in 10 stage-I tumors (3.2%) and in 10 stage-II tumors (16%). The risk was inversely related to tumor differentiation. Palpation revealed metastases in 10 cases. During follow-up, none of the borderline tumors (1.9% of stage-I grade-1 node-negative, 2.7% of grade-2 and 7.0% of grade-3 tumors) recurred in the retroperitoneum. In stage II, two recurrences were observed in grade-2 tumors (11%) and one in grade 3 (4.5%).Limited retroperitoneal surgery enables satisfactory outcome in early ovarian cancers. Risk of retroperitoneal recurrence is minimal in grade 1 and non-existent in borderline tumors. Less differentiated tumors have low risk but further investigation of the therapeutic role of lymphadenectomy is justified.