A single‐fluor approach to DNA sequence determination using high performance capillary electrophoresis

The Tabor and Richardson strategy for enzymatic chain termination sequencing of DNA using relative peak intensity has been adapted to high performance capillary gel electrophoresis with laser induced fluorescence detection. This approach to DNA sequencing involves the use of only a single fluor and results in significant reduction in the time required to determine a DNA sequence without the use of highly complicated and expensive instrumentation. We present a modification of the Tabor and Richardson approach employing two reactions, each containing complementary mixtures of only three ddNTP's in the concentration ratio 4:2:1. The DNA sequence is determined by relative peak height and by assigning the missing ddNTP to “gaps” between the peaks. The use of only three terminators/reaction simplifies the software task of differentiating between the termination types and makes more efficient use of the available dynamic range. Both complementary mixes generate complete sequence information and the two data files are combined in order to make a more confident sequence call. This process helps to eliminate errors caused by occasional non‐uniform incorporation of ddNTP's or false terminations and also alleviates some of the difficulty associated with reading through compressed regions of the electropherogram.