Experimental chlamydial salpingitis in immunosuppressed guinea pigs infected in the genital tract with the agent of guinea pig inclusion conjunctivitis

At necropsy indication of spread of infection to fallopian tubes was found in 25 of 41 (60%) female guinea pigs infected in the genital tract with the chlamydial agent of guinea pig inclusion conjunctivitis and immunosuppressed with cyclophosphamide. Eighteen were examined histologically, and the diagnosis of acute salpingitis was confirmed in 10, based on inflammatory reaction, detection of guinea pig inclusion conjunctivitis in tissue, and formation of cysts (pyosalpinx and hydrosalpinx). Infection of fallopian tube tissue was confirmed by indirect immunofluorescence and electron microscopy. Infection of endometrial tissue and peritoneum was also recognized. Data suggested that the immunosuppression mediated by cyclophosphamide resulted in a prolonged genital tract infection and concomitant ascending infection leading to salpingitis.