Liver Abscesses in Intensively Fed Cattle

An attempt was made to determine the time of onset of liver abscesses in intensively fed calves. Determinations of seram proteins (total protein, albumin, globulin, albumin/ globulin ratio, agarose-gel electrophoretic separation and formol-gel test) and, in a part of the material, of serum-GOT and -GPT were made in serial samples taken once a month from 125 calves. Liver abscesses were found in 48 (38.4 %) when slaughtered at 6–7 months of age. Total protein and globulin increased, the albumin-globulin ratio decreased with increasing age. Calves with liver abscesses had a significantly (0.05 > P > 0.01) higher globulin concentration at the last sampling. At this sampling the material was of a limited size and the difference has to be interpreted with caution. No other significant differences were found. Nor were any rises observed in S-GOT and S-GPT referable to the formation of liver abscesses. Bacteriological studies were not made but, in analogy with observations on a similar animal material in another part of Sweden, the infectious agent in the liver abscesses was assumed to be Sph. necrophorus. The explanation of the almost absent changes in the serum proteins in calves with liver abscesses may be the low antigenicity of this bacterium. In conclusion it is stated that the present serial investigations of the serum protein pattern in young cattle provide no definite guidance for establishing the time of onset of liver abscesses.