The System Iron Oxide‐TiO2‐SiO2 in Air

Phase relations at liquidus temperatures in the system iron oxide‐TiO2‐SiO2 have been determined in air. The equilibrium existence of the crystalline phases magnetite (ss), hematite (ss), pseudobrookite(ss), rutile(ss), and silica (tridy‐mite or cristobalite) has been established. Three isobaric eutectic points are formed by the intersections of quaternary liquidus univariant lines of the system Fe‐Ti‐Si‐O and the 0.21 atmosphere isobaric surface. The liquid misci‐bility gaps present in the bounding “binary” systems iron oxide‐Si02 and TiO2‐SiO2 extend across the composition triangle representing the “ternary” system iron oxide‐TiO2‐SiO2. Liquidus temperatures decrease within the two‐liquid region from approximately la C. in the system iron oxide‐SiO2 and 1780°C. in the system Ti(VSiO2 to 1540°C. at the cristobalite‐rutile(ss) boundary curve which bisects the two‐liquid region. Paths of equilibrium crystallization of representative mixtures are discussed with reference to a simplified projection into the plane FeOFe2O3‐TiO2‐SiO2 as well as in terms of the tetrahedron representing the system FeO‐Fe2O3‐TiO2‐SiO2.