Erblichkeitsstudien an Schmetterlingen III
Open Access
- 1 March 1921
- journal article
- Published by Springer Nature in Molecular Genetics and Genomics
- Vol. 25 (1-2) , 89-163
No abstract availableKeywords
This publication has 8 references indexed in Scilit:
- Non-Disjunction as Proof of the Chromosome Theory of Heredity (Concluded)Genetics, 1916
- Mimicry in butterfliesPublished by Biodiversity Heritage Library ,1915
- Heredity of melanism in LepidopteraJournal of Genetics, 1914
- The mode of inheritance of fecundity in the domestic fowlJournal of Experimental Zoology, 1912
- Further experiments on the cross-breeding of two races of the moth acidalia virgulariaProceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series B, Containing Papers of a Biological Character, 1912
- The inheritance of the peculiar pigmentation of the silky fowlJournal of Genetics, 1911
- On the cross-breeding of two races of moth Acidalia virgulariaProceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series B, Containing Papers of a Biological Character, 1909
- Handbuch der paläarktischen Gross-Schmetterlinge für Forscher und SammlerPublished by Biodiversity Heritage Library ,1896