Semantic network abnormality predicts rate of cognitive decline in patients with probable Alzheimer's disease

The present study examined the relationship between rate of cognitive decline in patients with Alzheimer's disease (AD) and the integrity of the network of associations that comprise their semantic knowledge. The integrity of the semantic network of 12 AD patients was determined by comparing their networks to a standard normal control network derived with Pathfinder analysis, a multidimensional graphic analysis technique. A simple linear regression analysis, comparing the degree of semantic network deterioration with rate of cognitive decline as measured by the difference between the Dementia Rating Scale (DRS) scores obtained at the time of the testing of semantic knowledge (Year 1) and one year later (Year 2), was highly significant (r2= .84;p< .001). These results suggest that a sensitive measure of the structural deterioration of semantic knowledge may be useful for predicting the rate of progression of cognitive changes in patients with AD. (JINS, 1995,I, 297–303.)