This report describes studies of calcium kinetics in 18 sheep administered calcium-47 intravenously. The animals were divided into three groups before dosing with label: Group I, control; Group II received a single 106 IU dose of vitamin D3 intramuscularly 8 days prior to injection of the label; Group III received a single dose of 1 mg 25-hydroxyvitamin D3 intramuscularly 3 days prior to the label injection. Both vitamin D3 and its metabolite, 25-hydroxyvitamin D3, increased plasma calcium levels for the entire 72-h experimental period. The kinetic data were satisfied by a model with two exchanging compartments. Individual and mean values for these kinetic analyses are presented with their statistical analyses. In the sheep injected with 25-hydroxyvitamin D3 there was a tendency for higher rate of exchange of calcium-47 between compartments. Key words: Calcium, kinetic data, sheep