Proteins tightly bound to HeLa cell DNA at nuclear matrix attachment sites.

DNA-protein complexes have been isolated from HeLa cell nuclei and nuclear matrix preparations. Two proteins, 55 and 66 kilodaltons in size, remain bound to HeLa DNA after treatment at 80 degrees C in 2% sodium dodecyl sulfate and purification by exclusion chromatography on Sepharose 2B-CL in the presence of 0.3% sodium dodecyl sulfate. These proteins appear to be tightly bound but not covalently linked to the DNA, and they are distributed over the DNA with an average spacing of 40 kilobase pairs. This spacing distribution remains essentially constant throughout the cell cycle. The proteins are bound to the residual 2% of HeLa cell DNA which remains attached to the nuclear matrix after extensive nuclease digestion, a condition which reduces the average size of the DNA to approximately 150 base pairs. Our results suggest that these tightly bound proteins are involved in anchoring cellular DNA to the nuclear matrix. These tightly bound proteins are identical by partial peptide mapping to proteins found tightly bound to the DNA of mammalian, plant, and bacterial cells (D. Werner and C. Petzelt, J. Mol. Biol. 150:297-302, 1981), implying that these proteins are involved in the organization of chromosomal domains and are highly conserved in both procaryotic and eucaryotic cells.