Islets from Goto-Kakizaki (GK) rats from our colony, despite marked impairment of glucose-induced insulin release, used glucose and produced CO2 at a rate 3 times that of islets from control Wistar rats. Almost all glucose used was accounted for in CO2 and lactate production. The percentages of glucose carbon used collected in CO2 and lactate were similar for control and GK islets. GK islets also oxidized 40% more acetate and leucine to CO2 than did control islets. The fraction of carbon leaving the Krebs cycle relative to CO2 pro- duction was the same in GK and control islets. The capacities of mitochondria from GK islets to generate ATP from glutamate and malate were similar and that to generate ATP from succinate and rotenone was somewhat less from GK islets. The reason for the en- hanced utilization of substrates by islets of the GK rat is not apparent. In conclusion, there is no decrease in islet glucose utilization, glucose oxidation, Krebs cycle function, or the electron transport system ev- ident from these measurements to explain the impaired insulin re- lease in islets from GK rats. (Endocrinology 139: 2670 -2675, 1998)

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